I havent watched many movies on my own, but im gonna try and list all the ones ive watched and enjoyed, in vague reverse chronological order.
- Steven Universe: The Movie [2019] - god damn this movie goes stinky
- Across the Spiderverse [2023] - hell fucking yes (write more later, i wrote this part already but forgot to save)
oh yeah i watched this right after i watched freddy got fingered and it was such a fucking relief to watch a real movie that made sense. no beef with freedy got fingered tho
- Freddy Got Fingered [2001] - mannnn fuck this movie, not actually, i 110% respect the vision like i get it but god fucking damn dude. shoutout this fuckin guy. he decided to make the most bullshit nothing movie ever and absolutely succeeded. honest to god he probably did it better than anyone else ever will. i watched this movie completely blank faced for the entire runtime
- Into the Spiderverse [2018] - hell yes
- Pulp Fiction [1994] - I recently re-watched the first half of pulp fiction with 4 of my buddies (we're in a band - sort of - and call our group the "Tard Bards") during D's birthday party (calling him D for anonymity's sake) and quite enjoyed it. Mia Wallace is so hot, like absolutely smokin, god damn. i felt like i needed to take a break after some of the scenes to just let my brain calm down lmao. we only watched half of it because some of us had to go home before we finishe it. ill finish watching it on my own some other time.
Now i actually first watched the movie when i was in 5th grade maybe, i dont thing i really knew what was going on, that or i only saw bits and pieces of it so i dont remember it well. i remember the part where they were in the diner pretty well though. and the part where she got shot i think? ill have to watch it again to make sure im remembering that right.
- Airplane! [1980] - I last watched this one at my friends house with 3 of my buddies (but i was late, so i only caught the 2nd half), and first watched it... at some point in middle school, i think. not 100% sure, but i definitely enjoyed it more on my 2nd watch, since i was old enough to catch all the jokes lol. huge fan of this one, gonna watch it again sometime.
- The Blues Brothers [1980] - watched this at the same friends house, but with 2 of my buddies. absolutely loved this one, huge fan. def wanna watch it again sometime, it was such a good time. love the music too of course! it was honestly right up my alley with the humor and all that.
- 2001: A Space Odyssey [1968] - ive only watched it once so far, but i absolutely love this film. i could talk about it for PARAGRAPHS if i wanted, but ill hold back for now. i know im not exactly a real film connoisseur, and that im a bit uneducated on the medium as a whole, but i really thought this movie was beautiful. the practical affects they did to make everything look like 0 gravity absolutely BLEW me away, im still on awe with how they had to manuever the cameras with certain scenes, its just technologically impressive, along with being beautiful and interesting thematically. i love everything about this one really, thank you Stanley Kubrik for providing us with such a masterpiece. i promise to watch more of your films someday.
I also watched this movie when i was a bit drunk, but not fucked up or anything. it was just enough to make me patient and cheerful lol. it definitely didnt detract from the experience.
- 2010: Odyssey Two - i watched this one a day or 2 or 3 after i watched 2001, and while it definitely wasnt on the same level as the original, i could still enjoy it. i quite enjoyed the optimism of the ending, especially with the context of the cold war going on when this movie was released. i liked seeing HAL 9000 again, and that his "malfunction" was elaborated on more (similar to in the original 2001 space odyssey book, which i plan on reading at some point). the space odyssey fandom that ive found quite enjoys all the sequels, theyre quite fun.
- The Grand Budapest Hotel [2014] - i watched this one with my buddies in a discord call, i think it was really late and i was half asleep, but i do remember enjoying this one, even if i dont remember much from teh film. it was quite fun i do know that.
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